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I get it. I do. Do you?


I understand that the Health Care thing is divisive, moreso because we have a president that has the kind of love/hate charisma that is attributed to the most influential leaders of history, including the incredibly evil ones. I understand the arguments on either side (personal responsibility vs. providing for humanity). And while I think the latter is more Christian and I am confused by the protests, I am proud to see that America is still a place where people are allowed to gather at the seat of power in Washington and be heard without fear.

But FOX News is lying to you. Please stop listening to them. Glenn Beck is lying to you. Sean Hannity is lying to you. They have strong beliefs and supposedly America at heart, but they are using their media influence to create hatred and deceit.

Go out. Oppose. Demonstrate. Protest. Shout if you must. But do so to peacefully appeal to your elected officials.

Ok, now have some comedy.

Filed under: Ennui | | Comments (3)


  1. Wow. This is why I prefer the Daily Show over “legitimate” news outlets and get my local information from the newspaper.

    Comment by Sixpence — 11/11/2009 @ 4:20 pm

  2. That is ridiculous. Glad I don’t watch the news. I’m particularly amused by the sign that said “Thank you Fox News and Talk Radio”.

    Comment by Carolyn — 11/12/2009 @ 11:29 am

  3. /facepalm

    Comment by Xiad — 11/12/2009 @ 5:14 pm

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